Tags ALT Journey to the Land of the Rising English: Unveiling the Thrills and Challenges of Teaching in Japan SUGEE Writer May 16, 2023 Step into a world where ancient traditions blend seamlessly with cutting-edge technology, where cherry blossoms paint the landscapes in vibrant
Tags custom Japanese Customs in Summer SUGEE Writer December 19, 2022 Introduction Today’s theme is “Japanese customs in summer”. Japan has four distinct seasons, and each season has its unique customs.
Tags apartment Usage of appliances in Japan SUGEE Writer December 19, 2022 One of the things you need to know when you start living in Japan is how to use Japanese home
Tags housing Moving Procedures: Water, Electricity, and Gas haruki morikawa May 30, 2022 Once you have decided where to move-in, you will need to complete the necessary procedures for water, electricity, and gas.…
Tags habit Which is the Best Social Media for Business in Japan? SUGEE Writer October 12, 2020 What SNS are frequently used in Japan? Which is preferable for Business? Why and How Japanese people use each social…